Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Church and Worship

Family Church
A New Family Lifestyle by Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
Before You Leave A Church by Mike McHugh
Family Ministry IS Church Ministry by Philip Lancaster
Legalism by Jonathan Lindvall
In Search of the Family Church Anonymous
Model for a Family Friendly Church by Joe Calmmilleri
Standing For Doctrine - In Love by Voyle A. Glover
The Church and Widows by Don Kistler
When Is It OK To Leave A Church? by Philip Lancaster

Family Ministry
A New Family Lifestyle by Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
A Patriarch's Call by Larry Arnold
Awakening to Religion W.B. Sprague from Lectures to Young People
Family Ministry IS Church Ministry by Philip Lancaster
Getting Started: The Biblical Elements of Family Worship by Kerry Ptacek
Family Worship by A. W. Pink
Family Worship: A Father's Highest Duty by Phillip Lancaster
God Loves Feasts by Nancy Campbell
Legalism by Jonathon Lindvall
Memorizing Scripture - A Joyous Legacy by Jonathon Lindvall
That They May Teach Their Children by Stacy McDonald

Church History
A Father's Resolutions by Cotton Mather
Awakening to Religion by W.B. Sprague from Lectures to Young People
Catechetical Instruction by Archibald Alexander
Family Worship by A. W. Pink
On The Family and Grace by Jonathan Edwards
Making The Most Of Your Devotions by George Mueller
Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards
The Almost Christian by George Whitefield
The Influence of Family Prayer

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